On your Debian Linux (desktop) computer :
Go to the Voyage Linux Website.
Download the latest version (for me this was voyage-0.6.1) of Voyage Linux to the desktop.
There will now be the following file on your desktop :
Open the Terminal (with root privilege -> write "su" and press ENTER) :
- write "cd Desktop" and press ENTER
- write "tar xjf voyage-0.6.1.tar.bz2" and press ENTER
- write "cd voyage-0.6.1" and press ENTER
Outside of the Terminal, open the "voyage-0.6.1" folder and then open the file "README" (double-click). There you will find the installation instructions which are the ones I describe here.
You first need to format and partition the CF-card. So, insert the card in the card reader. Then in the Terminal :
- write "dmesg" and press ENTER
- you will get a very long list with at the end the device name for the CF-card (the size of the card should appear at the end of the line between brackets), it should be "sda" or sdb" (you will need this name in the following step, to be sure to format the right device and not your hard drive)
- write "fdisk /dev/sdb" (or your own device name instead of "sdb") and press ENTER
- write "d" and press ENTER
- write "n" and press ENTER
- write "p" and press ENTER
- write "1" and press ENTER
- press ENTER (default value)
- press ENTER (default value)
- write "w" and press ENTER
Outside of the Terminal, right-click on the volume which represents the CF-card and choose "Unmount volume".
In the Terminal window :
- write "mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdb1" (or your own device name instead of "sdb")
- write "tune2fs -c 0 /dev/sdb1" (or your own device name instead of "sdb")
Ok. Now your CF-card is formatted and partitionned.
In the Terminal window :
- write "aptitude install rsync" and press ENTER
- move to the /mnt folder and write "mkdir cf" and press ENTER
- move to the voyage-0.6.1 folder
- write "./usr/local/sbin/voyage.update" and press ENTER
- press ENTER (default value = "Create new Voyage Linux disk")
- press ENTER (default value)
- press ENTER (default value = "Select Target Profile")
- write "5" (=ALIX) and press ENTER
- press ENTER (default value = "Select Target Disk")
- write "/dev/sdb" (or your own device name instead of "sdb") and press ENTER
- press ENTER (default value = "1")
- write "/mnt/cf" and press ENTER
- press ENTER (default value = "Select Target Bootstrap Loader")
- press ENTER (default value = "grub")
- press ENTER (default value = "1")
- press ENTER (default value = "Configure Target Console")
- press ENTER (default value = "Serial Terminal")
- press ENTER (default value = "38400")
- press ENTER (default value = "Copy Distribution to Target")
- now you can check if the entered values are ok (if yes, then write "y", in no, then write "n" and start the whole process again), then press ENTER
- press ENTER (default value = "Exit")
If above the line "What would you like to do?" you get a message like "copyfiles.sh script completet" then Voyage Linux is now installed on your CF-card.
Now you can remove the CF-card from your desktop computer.
To remove the "voyage-0.6.1" folder from your Desktop :
Now you can remove the CF-card from your desktop computer.
To remove the "voyage-0.6.1" folder from your Desktop :
- write "cd .." and press ENTER
- write "rm -r voyage-0.6.1" and press ENTER